
Because sometimes you want to just stab a lot of things.

Seeing Everything ESO has to Offer

Our goal at the Crimson Silver Company is to engage in all aspects of the game, and that means more than just roleplay.

Currently, our player-base is small, but we have a few experienced players and are seeking to expand our roster of end-game ready players. As such, currently, the kind of content the Crimson Silver Company engages with are:

  • Questing

  • World Boss Clears

  • Dungeons (Normal, Vet, Pledges)

In the near future, we hope to expand our content offerings to:

  • Trials

  • Challenger Runs of Dungeons

If there is interest from our community, we’d also like to start learning more about:

  • PvP (Battlegrounds and Cyrodiil)

Because our player-base is currently small and relatively inexperienced at end-game content, we’re focused on helping people learn and get the gear they need to start playing harder content. This means our guild is laid back, casual, and just here to help you get better!